The STOP2030 kick-off meeting held on the 6th and 7th of July at the AC Hotel Cuzco in Madrid marked a significant first step of the project. The partners gathered in person for the first time to discuss the upcoming work and kindle a shared enthusiasm to achieve the project goals.

We at STOP2030 have a transformative goal: by combining two existing drugs into a single tablet, we aim to revolutionise the treatment of helminthic infections, making it more effective and affordable for those affected.

During the kick-off meeting at the beginning of July, our partners engaged in discussions about the objectives of the project. The content of the work packages was evaluated to identify the specific tasks and work needed for the desired outcomes. The gathering confirmed a shared vision of progress for the project.

In an era dominated by virtual meetings, the significance of in-person collaboration shone through during the meeting. Beyond the presentations, the event provided an opportunity for interpersonal connections, facilitating the exchange of ideas and expertise between the participants. The meeting ignited a sense of unity among the partners, fortifying the common determination to address helminthic infections with a multidisciplinary approach.

As our project takes flight, we’re sure that the kick-off meeting’s impact will reverberate throughout its duration. With the collective power of experts from different fields, the project will unveil solutions that will shape the future of global health.